5 Common Types of Clogs and How Drain Cleaning Addresses Them

drain cleaning

Like rivers blocked by debris, household drains often face clogs caused by everyday materials such as hair, food waste, soap scum, grease, and foreign objects. These seemingly benign items can turn into significant plumbing headaches. Thankfully, there are effective cleaning solutions for each type of clog.

Journey Through Common Drain Blockages

We're about to explore the different blockages in your drains and how to effectively handle them.

Hair Clogs and Solutions

Hair accumulation is a prevalent and frustrating clog type, but there are effective ways to manage it. You might have experienced pulling hair clumps from drains, a common issue for many. A plunger often works for immediate relief, and a drain snake can be used for more persistent clogs. Installing a hair catcher in your drains can prevent future problems, offering a simple and economical solution.

Food Waste in Kitchen Drains

In kitchens, food waste frequently leads to challenging clogs. Coffee grounds and eggshells can combine into a gritty paste that obstructs pipes, while grease and fats solidify and block pipes. Starchy foods like pasta and rice expand and contribute to clogs. To avoid these issues, use a compost bin for waste instead of the sink, dispose of grease properly, and scrape plates before washing.


Combating Soap Scum

Soap scum accumulates in bathroom drains from soap interacting with hard water minerals, creating a hard residue that narrows pipes over time. Regularly flushing drains with hot water or vinegar helps prevent buildup. Professional cleaning services also ensure your plumbing remains clear.

Challenges with Grease and Fat

Grease and fat, although light, rise and solidify in your drains, restricting flow and causing backups when combined with other debris like food particles and hair. Professional cleaning is often necessary to remove these stubborn clogs effectively.

Issues Caused by Foreign Objects

Unexpected items like small toys or jewelry can also cause blockages. Being cautious about what goes down your drains is crucial. For clogs caused by foreign objects, professional drain cleaning with specialized tools can restore functionality.
